Customer Care & Warranty Requests

A Relationship Beyond the Home Sale

When you buy a home with Alturas Homes, you build a relationship that will last long after your home is purchased. We are proud of the care and quality built into each home and our warranty coverage provides our homeowners the peace of mind they expect. Additionally, every Alturas home comes with a 1-year limited warranty so if any issues arise, our customer care team is committed to providing the best service possible to resolve your concern quickly.

How can we help?

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Important Warranty Information

To ensure you receive the exceptional service and support you deserve as a valued homeowner, we kindly ask that you follow our warranty process:

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30 Day Warranty

An Alturas Homes Customer Care Representative will automatically contact you via email thirty (30) days after you close on your home to remind you to submit your request for any warranty service you may need. It is important that you provide us with the correct email address so that you receive these (and future) emails from Alturas Homes. This thirty (30) day period allows you sufficient time to become settled in your new home and compile a list of any items that may need to be addressed after thirty (30) days of occupancy.

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11 Month Warranty

Near the end of your eleventh month of ownership, we will be happy to review any outstanding warranty issues you may have with your new home. Please submit any remaining claims within this time frame if there is anything you would like us to address before your One-Year warranty expires. As a reminder, we will not accept a full inspection report as a warranty request. If you choose to get an inspection after the initial inspection period, you will need to submit each item from your inspection report individually through our on line portal.

Meet Your Customer Care Team


Maintenance or Warranty?

As a homeowner, you are responsible for performing all care and maintenance on your home. Certain aspects of your home are covered separately under our Limited Home Warranty, and you are also entitled to manufacturer’s warranties for the appliances in your home. Should any area of your home not perform to our construction standards (review our Homeowner Manual for details) or if you have questions about whether your issue is considered to be covered under warranty or a regular homeowner maintenance item, let us know and we will be happy to assist you!

Need to Get in Touch?

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